We are very pleased to announce a partnership with Dynamic Training and Assessments Limited in offering the following NVQ’s, of which if you are a CITB levy payer then we can obtain a grant of £600 per NVQ on completion.
Please contact us if you require any further information.
Level 2 NVQ – Removal of Hazardous Waste Licensed Asbestos - £625 + vat(registration fees included)
Level 3 NVQ – Occupational Works Supervisor - £895 + vat
Level 6 NVQ – Construction Site Manager - £1,600 + vat
What is an NVQ?
An NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) is a work-based way of learning – which is carried out at a college, school, or workplace.
Each NVQ level involves a range of on-the-job tasks and activities that are designed to test you on your ability to do a job effectively.
You may start out by applying your knowledge to basic tasks, and progress to incorporating fundamental principles into a variety of contexts.
How will I be assessed?
Assessors will test you based on:
Your portfolio. You’ll need to ensure this contains evidence of the tasks, duties, and achievements you’ve carried out at work.
Observation. Assessors will watch you work to make sure you’re capable of completing the tasks and duties involved with your role.
Knowledge & Understanding. One to one knowledge based sessions will take place around the national occupational standards.
Professional discussion is a method of assessment and as such should not be confused with having an unfocused social chat. However, assessors do want their candidates to feel comfortable about the process and therefore the assessor’s interpersonal skills are key in achieving positive results.
Reflective Account. A reflective account is discussed between the candidate and assessor of how you have carried out an activity at work or an action you took in the past and why you took the action.
Witness Testimony. A witness testimony is an example of Supporting Evidence – you are asking the witness to provide an account of what the candidate does, or has done recently, in their job role. A good witness (e.g., a line manager) sees the candidate perform on a regular basis over a period of time in varying conditions.
The levels you need to meet are based on the national standards of the job you’re in – and each unit will be signed off as and when you meet those standards.
Why do an NVQ?
NVQs are a great way to gain a nationally recognized qualification. Rather than being specific to your employer, you can take an NVQ when you decide to move on with your career. Undertaking an NVQ also demonstrates to your current and future employers that you are competent at your job and have an interest in developing and improving yourself.
An NVQ is ideal for people who want to learn and still hold down a job at the same time. NVQs have minimal disruption on your working day and you will be able to put your new skills to the test straight away!
Dynamic Training and Assessments Limited also offer the following NVQ’s
Training Matrix Management
We offer a unique service with our Membership for Outsourced Training Solutions. By engaging us we will manage your training requirements entirely which includes data management of all cards and certificates your workers hold, allowing your business to continue to run seamlessly and your workers remaining fully qualified and within industry requirements.
As part of our training matrix management service we will also claim all available CITB grants on your behalf.